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浙大博士留学生拉蒂撰文 记录青田艺术与文化之旅

2016年12月29日 15:06:14 来源:浙江在线 作者:Abdul Latif  编辑:陈丽丹




  浙江在线12月29日讯  今天,浙江在线新闻网站收到一篇热情洋溢的文章,作者Abdul Latif(中文名拉蒂)是位浙江大学的博士留学生,来自巴基斯坦北部山城阿伯塔巴德(Abbottabad),是当地大学经济管理学专业的教师。在2016年的12月17日-18日,拉蒂和十多位外国人朋友一起,参加由中共青田县委宣传部、浙江在线新闻网站联合举办的“到山里看世界——海外友人青田采风行”活动,2天时间里,近距离感受青田侨乡文化,体验石雕艺术之魅力。下面,我们将拉蒂中英文版的文章展示给各位网友,通过他的文字,看看外国人眼中的青田具有怎样的吸引力?






青田:艺术与文化之城(作者:Abdul Latif 拉蒂)











  Abdul Latif(中文名拉蒂)原文:


  Qingtian is a county in South Eastern Zhejiang Province reputed as the hometown of Chinese Stone Carvings. Zhejiang Online News arranged a two day tour for foreigners from all over the world including Cuba, France, Kazakhstan, India, Italy, Mexico, Pakistan, Russia and Spain. We reached Qingtian from East Railway station, Hangzhou in less than two hours’ time in a fast train. From station, we first went to one of the famous hotel in the city (Renhe Dynasty Hotel) that was chosen for a night stay, we ate our lunch there and then we left for Youzhu’s Import Commodity Mall, where one can find all types of imported goods especially some of the best quality wine shops.

  After that we visited Studio of Ai Guang Zhang (Laoshi), who warmly welcomed all the members and we all experienced stone sculpture creation. He briefed us about stone carving profession and told us regarding his love for the stone sculpturing since Childhood.

  Different gifts were presented to each member of the trip including a stone stamp having their engraved Chinese name.

  After that the next stop was Wenshi Shanzhuang (问石山庄) where one can notice ornamental stone carving shops on both sides of the road. This place will give you an essence to be one of the biggest stone carving industry in China. A wonderful dinner was arranged by our host Zhoujie (周洁) and we got a chance to eat some traditional Chinese food in a beautiful mountainous resort.

  After that we went to a bar where all the members representing different nationalities participated in singing their local songs and dance performances. Here, I must specifically mention about the Spanish music which I loved the most for making us  excited in such a way that gave us an impression as we were all listening and enjoying our own country’s music。After singing, dancing and enjoying to the fullest, the first day’s activities came to end and all the group members went back to the hotel.

  The next day morning, after taking our breakfast in the hotel, we set out for Qingtian Indoor Skiing Paradise (青田乐园室内滑雪), one of the beautiful place in Qingtian for the visitors,where I experienced skiing for the first time in my life. For beginners, there is a facility to hire a trainer and learn skiing from them in order to avoid any type of danger.

  After enjoying an indoor skiing experience the next destination was Shimen Yucun (石门渔村), one of the most beautiful place of the area where we enjoyed our lunch. Not only the lunch was so delicious but the place was a master piece of Chinese culture and tradition.

  Here, one thing was worth mentioning as although, Qingtian being known for stone carving but I was much captivated by the stone floor in front of the restaurant and the furniture and utensils inside the restaurant as they too were giving an impression of artistic professionalism in this city.

  After eating a hearty lunch, all the foreign friends actively participated in making and tasting special type of Qingtian’s snacks which were easy to make and tasty to eat. The best part was that the snacks we made were brought by all the members with them and then eating those snaks all the way back from Qingtian to Hangzhou.

  The Qingtian exploration trip was wonderful in all aspects. We got an opportunity to study and explore Chinese culture and traditition and its beauty to experience something very different when you move from one area to another. All the members not only got a chance to meet with foreign friends and families from different countries but also some loving and caring Chinese organizers and hosts who kept us engaged and enthusiastic for exploring and enjoying the beauty of China during the whole trip.

  Here I must appreciate Zhejiang Online News for an amazing step taken to introduce and boost a city having a culture and tradition with a potential to become one of the best stone carving industry and a tourist resort in the near future. Currently, as I experienced through my initial orientation about the city with my Chinese friends, , I came to the conclusion that most of them were unaware of Qingtian city and its rich and beautiful artistic culture. If given proper attention by the government to highlight this area on the social media, this city will attract visitors and tourists from different part of the country.

  (About the author: Abdul Latif ( 拉蒂) is a PhD student in Zhejiang university and is a university teacher at Abbottabad University of Science and Technology, Pakistan).

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